Trains, Buses and Boats: Totnes Transport in Days Gone By

Trains, Buses and Boats: Totnes Transport in Days Gone By - South Devon Railway

24 September 2015 24 September 2015

When: 24 September 2015
Where: Refreshment Rooms, Buckfastleigh station
Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Cost: None
Suitable for: 18+

The next  in the South Devon Railway Museum’s popular series of Thursday meetings, and the first for the winter season, is on 24 September 2015 in the Refreshment Rooms at Buckfastleigh station. The speaker will be Barry Weekes, from the Totnes Image Bank. He will use a few of the tens of thousands of images held by the Image Bank to give an insight into transport in Totnes and its surrounding district in days gone by, as well as looking at some of the wider aspects of life in the past. This meeting had been due for earlier this year, but had to be postponed because of illness.

The Totnes Image Bank, located in the former Town Mill, is home to an outstanding collection of material which spans an amazing range of activities, artefacts, buildings and people – if it was anything to do with Totnes, the chances are that it is recorded in the Image Bank. Barry’s knowledge of the town and its history is encyclopaedic, so an entertaining and informative evening is guaranteed.

The show starts at 7.30pm, with doors open at 7.00pm. Car parking is free, and light refreshments are available. There is no charge for entry – we look forward to seeing you there.

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