Scimitar cat researh gives unexpected results!
By: Barry Chandler
Added: 14 March 2013
The teeth of Homotherium latidens (Scimitar Cat) recovered from Kent's Cavern have been the subject of recent research by academics in the U.S and Canada. The teeth of this incredibly rare animal were found in the cave and have always been the source of controversy as to when exactly they date from. Torquay Museum provided comparitive samples so that flourine and uranium levels in the Homotherium teeth could be compared to other large carnivore teeth with known stratigraphy. The results were startling as the homomtherium teeth did not resemble the others found in the cave. While not solving the problem of thier age the findings have thrown up a new possibility. The teeth were almost certainly deposited for a considerable time at another location outside the cave and have been transported there, almost certainly by early humans. The question is were the trophy hunters neanderthals or the first modern humans? We may never know!
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